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id 82
Title Blood test --> Result
Type Database 6.1
Highlight group
Description The blood test results are stored in d_events_att table, with different domains , one for each type of exam

Hemogramma exams

 Column name  Description
id_event  FK in d_events table (id prescription)
id_person  unique id of the patient
domain  = 'A_EXAMS_HEMOG'
att_date   not used
vn1  FLDEX6 - BAS2 %
vn2  FLDEX3 - BAS
vn3  CHGM
vn4  FLDEX5 - EOS2 %
vn5  FLDEX2 - MON2 %
vn7  HEMA
vn8  HEMO
vn9  HGM
vn10  LEUCO
vn11  LYM2
vn12  LYM
vn13  FLDEX4 -MON2 %
vn14  FLDEX1 - MON
vn15  MPV
vn16  MXD2
vn17  MXD
vn18  NEUT2
vn19  NEUT
vn20  PCT
vn21  PDW
vn22  PLT
vn23  PLRC
vn24  RDWCV
vn25  RDWSD
vn26  VGM



 Column name  Description
id_event  FK in d_events table
id_person  unique id of the patient
domain   = 'A_EXAMS_BIOCH'
date_event   not used
vn1  Albu
vn2  AlfaAmilasi
vn3  ALP
vn4  BILD
vn5  BLT
vn6  Ca
vn7  Cl
vn8  ColHDL
vn9  ColTot
vn10  Creatinina
vn11  Ferritin
vn12  iron
vn14  Glycemia
vn15  GOT / AST
vn16  GPT / ALT
vn17  K
vn18  N2
vn19  Na
vn20  Proteinuria
vn21  PT
vn22  Tryglicerid
vn23  urea
vn24  uric
vn25  GGT Gamma-glutamyltransferase gamma-gt
vn26  LDH Lactate dehydrogenase
vn27  HBA1C Glycated Haemoglobin



 Column name  Description
id_event  FK in d_events table
id_person  unique id of the patient
domain  = 'A_EXAMS_VLOAD'
date_event   not used
vt1  Determine rapid test
vt3  HIV DNA test PCR
vt2  Oraquick rapid test
vt4  Unigold rapid test
vt5  HPV DNA test
vn1  CViral (Bdna CViral test)
vn2  PCRq (CViral) 
vd1  CViral date
vn3  VL Method

Note for VL Values:

Value in DB Descriptionj
10000001 >ULQ
1 <40
0 Unprocessed
-2 <LDL
-50 <50
-150 <150
-400 <400
-550 <550
-839 <839
-1000 <1000
-2000 A - Unprocessed
-2001 B - Unprocessed
-2002 C - Unprocessed
-2003 D - Unprocessed
-3000 <20

other exams

 Column name  Description
id_event  FK in d_events table
id_person  unique id of the patient
domain  = 'A_EXAMS_OTHER'
date_event   not used
vt1  BK (TB Test)
vn1  Bacilloscopy result:
0 = Negative
1 -> 9 = Exact count
10 = +
20 = ++
30 = +++
-2000 = A (not processed)
-2001 = B (not processed) 
-2002 = C (not processed) 
-2003 = D (not processed) 
vt3  Plasmodium



 Column name  Description
id_event  FK in d_events table
id_person  unique id of the patient
domain  = 'A_EXAMS_CD4CD'
date_event   not used
vn1  CD4
vn2  CD4 / CD8
vn3  CD4 %
vn4  CD8
vn5  CD8 %




value description column name
HBsAg (Hepatitis A) RapidTest vt1
CrAg (Cryptococcal Antigen) RapidTest vt2
hCG (Pregancy Test) RapidTest vt3
HBV (Hepatitis B) Rapid Test vt4
HCV (Hepatitis C) Rapid Test vt5
Hb (Hemoglobin) Rapid Test vn1
VDRL (Syphilis) Rapid Test vt6
Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) Rapid Test vt7
Salmonella Ag Rapid Test vt8
Blood Glucose Rapid Test vn2
TB LAM Rapid Test vt9
Panbio COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test vn3
Standard Q COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test vn4
Malaria (Plasmodium) Ag Rapid Test vt10
HIV DUO (HIV + Syphilis) Rapid Test vt11
Glycosuria Rapid Test vn5
Proteinuria Rapid Test vn6
Leucociti Rapid Test vt12
Nitriti Rapid Test vt13
Urobilinogen Rapid Test vn7
Urine pH Rapid Test vn8
Urine blood Rapid Test vt14
Urine ketone bodies Rapid Test vt15
Urine bilirubin Rapid Test vt16
Urine ascorbic acid Rapid Test vt17
CD4 Rapid Test vt22












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