
Highlight group
urgent checks - q_uvu snippet 0
EVI-CS03 /Active urgent checks evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS04 /Has the birth taken place? The result is missing! evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS06 /People with no appointment evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS07 /Missed appointments over the last 15 days evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS08 /Patients still being tested evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
Last status, Last service (at TODAY) snippet 10
HIV status snippet 30
EVI-CS09 /HIV+ children in PMTCT (Service not changed) evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS10 / Children PMTCT > 18 months in STDBY evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS12 / The social form is missing evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS14 / Patients who died in the last month evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS15 / Patients in food integration evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS13 / Patients in ART without ARV drugs prescriptions evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS01 EVI-CS02 / Lost To Follow Up > 45 , in ART > 30 evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS16 / Patients CCHC in Food Integr. with BMI > 18.5 evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
Last exam Value and date group by id_person snippet 50
EVI-CS17 / Patients with sample > 25 days without reply evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS19 / Patients with adherence to ARV therapy <95% evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze
EVI-CS20 / Last prescription VL older than 12 months evidenza filequery1003.cs, Evidenze