code View

id 74
Title Medical visit --> Posology
Type Database 6.1
Highlight group
Description the medical visit posology are stored in the D_EVENTS_ATT table with domain "A_DPRES"


id_events_att (primary key)
id_event foreign key
id_person patinet unique ID
id_reference = 'VISIT'
domain = 'A_DPRES'
vt1 deliverable
vt2 drug
vt3 formulation
vt4 freq det
vt5 drug ID
vt6 notes
vt7 posology
vt8 prescribed by
vt9 prophilaxis type
vt10 status
vt11 treatment type
vt13 user who inserted
vt14 user who edited
vd2 modification date
vn1 frequency
vn2 days
vn3 morning
vn4 midday
vn5 afternoon
vn6 prolonged
vn7 quantity
vn8 evening
vd1 suspended
vb1 as needed


Ordine 330