code View

id 73
Title Medical visit --> Diagnosis
Type Database 6.1
Highlight group
Description the medical visit diagnosis are stored in the D_EVENTS_ATT table with domain "A_VDIAG"


id_events_att  (primary key) (primary key)
id_event (of the visit appointment) (id_event of the visit appointment)
id_person patient unique ID (software)
domain = 'A_VDIAG'
date_event not used
vt1 ID of the diagnosis (from DiagnosiSintomi table)
vm1 notes
vt12 not used
vt13 user who inserted
vt14 user who modified
vd2 date of modification

Some examples


 Description  idDiagsint in DiagnosiSintomi
 Primary genital syphilis  RMCD00000002428
 Tubercolosis  RMCD00000000013
 Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed  RMCD00000000014


Ordine 320